缺氧小室 Hypoxia Incubator Chamber 细胞低氧小室
- 现货状态:
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品牌:Billups-Rothenberg Inc.
产品货号 :MIC - 101
外径31cm (12in); 高度11cm (4.7in)
内径: 26.7 cm (10.5 in)
缺氧高氧培养小室外形类似坩埚的装置,主体分为 4 个部分:上密封室;下密封室(连接有进出气管道)、聚碳酸酯材质的隔层架、不锈钢密封扣件。 该产品特点是:
1. 使用方便,经济耐用,节省空间
2. 内置多用途托盘,方便放置培养皿、试管、组织培养瓶、微量板等
3. 所有组件都无毒,可酒精消毒。
4. 圆柱腔的几何形状提供了极好的气体分布。
5. 可靠的气密性密封,能 100%控制气体含量和交换,
6. 可以放置在二氧化碳培养箱内,与其他条件的形成严格照
A pre-analyzed gas mixture of 5% CO2 and 95% N2 was flushed through the CO2 Incubator, at the flow rate of 3 liters per min for 15 min twice a day. The pO2 reached a nadir of 35 mmHg after 6 h and remained constant the remainder of the experiment (48 h). To test for hypoxia specific regulation of gene expression, cell cultures were first exposed to pO2-35 mmHg for 24h and then returned to a normoxic environment of atmospheric air/5%CO2 at pO2=150 mmHg. The pO2 was measured with a gas analyzer (278 Blood Gas Systems).
2. 放入要培养的细胞板、细胞培养皿等,扣紧密封扣件,可以用流量计和氧电极动态进行监测小室内压强和氧气浓度。
3. 打开气瓶阀门,对小室内空气进行排气,保持混合气体稍高于大气压,排气保持30min,然后调节气压为正常大气压,关闭排气管,再关闭进气管,置于二氧化碳培养箱中培养。
备注:小室使用前可用95%酒精消毒,然后紫外照射30min消毒。可选附件:Nuvair O2 QuickStick (氧电极)可放置于孵育小室内实时监测氧浓度。
2. Hypoxia induced in Modular Incubator Chamber
1. Prepare at least two identical (twin culture) cell cultures. Cell cultures can be in Flasks, plates or culture dishes. To open the chamber, first open the two white plastic clamps located on the tubes attached to the chamber (tubes used for the injection/ purging the hypoxic gas) and gently open the steel ring clamp.
2. Release the clamp. The lid and trays can now be removed.
3. Place the cell culture in the hypoxic chamber. Also place a Petri dish containing sterile water in the chamber to provide adequate humidification of the cultures.
4. Place the "twin" cell culture in normoxia as control.
5. Make sure your trays are secured and not moving, and then close the chamber with its lid. Correctly position the steel ring clamp to ensure the hermetical closure of the chamber and close it.
6. To create hypoxia, attach the tubing to a "hypoxia tank" containing a 1% O2 gas mixture. If you have a flow meter connected to your tank your chamber will be directly connected to it (gas tank-flow meter –chamber). We use a flow meter incorporated in our regulator.
7. It is important to remove most if not all oxygen present in the chamber and in your media, to do so flush the chamber by opening the gas tank at a flow rate of 20 liters per minutes for 7-10 minutes; then quickly turn off the gas flow and completely close the chamber by closing both white clamps.
8. Return the chamber to a conventional incubator for the desired period of time. If you use large cultures, allow media in cultures to de-gas for 1- 2 hours and then repeat flush.
The above steps are based on the constructor recommendations' (Billups-Rothenberg, Inc). Make sure you gas tank are properly secured at all time.
五. 订货信息
产品货号 | 产品名称 | 规格单位 | 价格:(人民币) |
MIC-101 | Hypoxic incubator cbamber (缺氧培养小室) | 1套(含附件) | 询价 |
DFM3002 | Dual flow meter(双流量计) | 1个 | 询价 |
SFM 3001 | Single flow meter(单流量计) | 1个 | 询价 |
com91 | O2 Quickstick(氧电极) | 1个 | 询价 |